So- (grin) here is another snippet from my current wip which will be the third or fourth book in my Gasquet Princes series.

Fuelled her.
Deliberation flared in her eyes and fury curled her lips into
a snarl.
A snarl that birthed the ghost of a memory, a memory that vanished more quickly than mist on
the wind.
This for her, he realised, was more than a simple
challenge. It was personal.
The sound of steel whistling through the air, millimetres from
his ear cut through his distractions. Personal?
He’d see about that!
Simeon didn’t know what had crawled up her arse, but nor did
he intend to take the rap for something he knew nothing about. He closed out
all thoughts except those focussed on the woman in front of him and the foil in
her hand.
In one corner of his mind he estimated the difference in
their height. Eight inches, he decided and wondered whether he could he use
those extra inches to his advantage.
The skill she’d displayed so far discounted any hope she’d
charge at his manhood. No, she’d not
risk leaving herself open to the obvious retaliation such a charge would
He circled, watching her back foot, weighing his options, always
maintaining the straight line between them.
The circle widened.
He waited— knowing neither could lunge until they closed in
again. Not unless they wanted their opponent’s
point in their chest. And while the foil
points may be protected, Simeon had no intention of allowing this woman to best
Her lunge pierced his waving concentration and he almost
failed to close in time, and countered with a tempo that forced them to circle
once more.
The sound of steel sliding along steel shimmered in the air,
cut through the ring of clashing blades.
He saw it now— her strategy. This
woman was enticing him to risk a pass on her lunge. To do that would dismiss his height
advantage. Not that his height gave him anything more than a split second of
She lunged again, moved to his left, to his right and
stepped forward.
With a twist of his body he pushed her foil clear and brought
his own down on her leather-gloved hand.
Only her gasp broke the shocked silence before she leapt
back and lunged again.
She had a point, he’d used a moved barred by almost all
fencing clubs, but this, he reminded himself, wasn’t a fight of his choosing,
nor was it being played within club rules.
The woman fought with a skill and intensity that moved this fight beyond
personal to malicious.
He wished he knew why.
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I`m so glad you came back to the duel!
Wow... this was intense.
Having no knowledge of fencing, I am really enjoying this duel. You are describing it perfectly. I can figure this.
Love how you took us into the duel
:-) Thanks V.L. Locey
:-) Glad it worked for you Pamela.
LOL Karen (whispers) neither do I and am terrified someone who does know about fencng will spot any mistakes!
Thanks Lindsay :-)
I feel the intensity of these two and really take in the descriptions. It's like I'm there watching. well done
Enjoyed it very much, Sherry. Liked it ... and you did well describing their "duel" .... coming from someone who did fencing for over 10 yrs ;-)
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