My name is Tricia Schneider and I'm a paranormal romance author. I have two short stories currently available in The Merriweather Witches series. Since this is my very first official character interview, I decided to travel to the home of Lord Jeremy North in England and talk with the characters from my first short story, The Witch and the Wolf.
After knocking on the door for what seemed like several long, long minutes, I wondered if Lord Jeremy North had decided to ignore my request for an interview. He was temperamental at times. I shivered as the snow continued to fall and promised myself that if he or his man, Amery, didn't answer this door in another twenty seconds, I was driving to Caldwell House to interview Sebastian Collins from The Witch and the Vampire, instead. At least I knew Sebastian's butler would answer the door! A moment later, the door creaked open and my hero, Lord Jeremy North, stood upon the threshold looking sexy as hell with his dark hair and green eyes.
Jeremy: "Again? Why must it always be snowing in your imagination? And where's your cloak?"
Me: "Hello to you, too. I left my jacket in the car. I didn't think it would take an eternity for you to answer the door."
Jeremy: "What is a car?"
Oh, yeah. He's from the early nineteenth century. He doesn't know about cars, yet. Hmm...apparently I can travel time and cross oceans within seconds. All without a jacket. Awesome.
Me: "I meant carriage. Can I come in?"
Jeremy: "Of course." He moved aside, allowing me some space to enter. "You're not going to faint, are you?"
Me, following him in and shaking the snow from my hair: "No. Unlike Lillian, I have not been trudging through the blizzard for hours. And I can feel all my fingers and toes, so there's no need for you to help me undress." I paused, looking at him from top to bottom and reconsidered. "That is unless..."
Lillian appeared. She raised a dark eyebrow, catching that last statement from me and I blushed. So, okay, I had a crush on my hero. Who wouldn't?? But, Jeremy paid me no mind. His eyes and his heart were Lillian Merriweather's. In fact, he turned to her and his face brightened.
Lillian, however, is a forgiving sort, especially regarding her creator...me. She smiled warmly and came forward to take my hands in hers.
Lillian: "You're here. At last! Welcome!"
Me: "Yes, er, thank you."
After exchanging a few pleasantries, they led me into the drawing room where I found a nice, comfy seat. Lillian sat beside me and Jeremy sauntered over to the fireplace where a cozy fire warmed the room nicely.
Lillian: "Where shall we begin?"
Me, taking out my notebook and pen: "Well, my readers would like to know a little about you both. Maybe we can begin with how you met?"
Lillian: "Very well. I was running away from my evil Uncle Arden and his intentions to marry me off to one of his old...very old, friends. I found Lord North's house quite by accident when I became lost in a blizzard. He kindly took me in, even during some unforeseen circumstances."
She looked at Jeremy and smiled.
Jeremy: "Yes, once a month, during every full moon I send the servants away from the house. Only my man, Amery, remains with me. It was unfortunate that Lillian happened upon me during that particular moment. You see, I suffer from a curse. I'm a werewolf."
Me: "That must haven been awkward."
Jeremy: "As a matter of fact, yes. Of course, I could not explain to her. No one but Amery knew of my condition. We took great measures to keep people protected from the monster I become. When she arrived, we had great difficulty deciding what must be done."
Lillian: "To add to that dilemma, Lord North had no idea that I was being pursued. I fear, if he knew the truth, he'd have never opened that door, and I would have frozen on the doorstep!"
Jeremy, smiling with affection toward Lillian: "Of course, that's not true."
Lillian: "But, I had other secrets, too, did I not?"
Me: "Okay, okay, let's not give too much away. You know, I still want people to buy my book!"
Jeremy: "Well, that seems rather nonsensical. You've already given away our secrets from the title. Readers will know I am a werewolf and Lillian is a witch. The very identities we've sought to keep hidden, you've announced quite plainly for all to see."
Me: "Well, when you put it like that..."
Lillian: "Although, I haven't explained how Lord North handled having a woman in his house during a full moon. Or what happened when my uncle-"
Me, raising my hand: "Yes, I think that's enough. I don't want to overstay my welcome. I'm sure you want to get back to...whatever you two were doing. I have what I need now. Thank you both."
I stood, my notebook tucked safely under my arm. Lillian stood with me, smiling.
Lillian: "Of course, you want to get back to your writing. You have much to do."
Me, lifting my head to look at her: "I do? But, I wrote your story. And your sister's story. What else do I have to do?"
Lillian, smiling: "Melora and I are not the only Merriweather's in England, you know."
Me, startled: "Oh? And who are they? What's their story?"
Jeremy, sighing with impatience: "Is that not your duty? You are the author here. Go! You have stories to tell!"
See, I told you. Temperamental.
To buy The Witch and the Wolf :
The Wild Rose Press: http://www.thewildrosepress.com/the-witch-and-the-wolf-p-4136.html
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Witch-Wolf-ebook/dp/B003WQBDX2/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2
About the Author:
Tricia Schneider is an author of paranormal and gothic romance fiction. Before the supernatural took possession of her pen, she worked in a bookstore as Assistant Manager and bookseller. Now she writes full-time while raising her 3 children. She lives in the coal country of Pennsylvania with her WWII re-enactor husband.
For more info about her and her books:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authortriciaschneider
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triciaschneider
GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/triciaschneider
oh my gosh! this was absolutley awesome and fun! got to try this someday!
Cathy if you enjoyed this, please consider browsing back, as there are many more similar Interviews posted within this series as well as others you may enjoy.
This was my very first character interview, Cathy! I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for allowing me to visit today, Sherry! This was fun! :)
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