Welcome to Tuesday's Tales
Way-Hay! Tuesday's Tales is back, after a short summer break. This week our prompt word is RIBBON and my snippet is from the opening scene in the 2nd chapter. My hero is in for a nasty surprise when he regains consciousness....
and bitter cold threatened to spin him back into the blackness. His head ached
and his face throbbed. Something hard, wedged behind his back, pinned him down
against the freezing metal floor of his prison. He tried moving and groaned.
Ropes cut into his wrists and ankles and noise seeped into his woozy brain. A
whooshing sound that overrode the pounding of his blood in his ears.
Judging by the blackness around him, and the constant sound of an engine, he was trussed up like a chicken and in the
boot of a vehicle. The blast of a nearby horn warred with the pain in his head
and he swallowed another groan. Better whoever was driving thought him still
senseless. How long had been out? Hard to say because the last thing he could
remember was going to bed. Last night? Was it still night time, or later?
vaguely remembered seeing a ribbon of light seeping between the crack in the
curtains. So, not night time. Fighting against
the pain he tried to marshal his thoughts. He’d been asleep when something woke
him, but before he could try and work it out, the blow to his head knocked him
senseless. Had the intruder attacked him? If so why? And what about the female
voice that filtered into his semi-consciousness? Where did she fit in, if she
fitted in at all?
muffled sound of a female singing along to the radio reached him. Good lard,
was his attacker a female? His cousin’s mother was a formidable woman but even
she wouldn’t stoop to physical violence on her nephew. Unless of course, she
was part of…
tensed when he heard the engine change pitch. Were they stopping would someone
come and let him out? No, the engine was idling. Lights? God knew he didn’t
want to remain incarcerated in the vehicle but until he could mentally prepare
himself he’s take however more minutes he could get to sort out his thoughts
and to try and make sense of what was happening to him.
Thank you for reading this week's offering,
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there are lots more amazing reads at Tuesday's Tales
Wow what a precarious situation to be in. It makes me short of breath. Very tight and descriptive writing-- I can't wait to see who has him and how he's going to get free. http://flossiebentonrogers.com
:-) Thanks Flossie, I'm glad this worked for you.
Holy crow, talk about tension! Well done.
well done at sitting the scene, great descriptions.
:-) Thanks Vicki.
Thanks Iris :-)
Lovely. I could feel his rising panic as he tried to unravel what happened to him.
Awesome. I'm intrigued and want more! Perfect.
:-) Thanks Morgan, I'm delighted you could feel his panic.
:-) Jillian, your wish is my command. I am offering another, slightly longer, snippet next week.
Descriptive and realistic emotions. I felt like I was right there along side him. Great job!
Trisha Faye
:-) Thanks Trisha.
Wow! My anxiety level just hit the roof. I can actually feel his pain! This is tense. I wish you'd rescue'd him before this snippet ended. Hope you will this coming week. Fabulous.
You didn't really expect me to do that did you Jean? :-) I'm glad it works for you.
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