Welcome to Tuesday's Tales
This week's Tale is a short snippet including the word 'meat'.
“He came back last night…” The sharpness of Sue’s
voice cut through her fantasies like a meat cleaver. “… Waited until this morning
and calmly told me he’d applied for and got a decree nisi and as of now we are
You and Tyler are divorced?”
“So he says.”
Ignoring the tears plopping on the surface, Sue snatched her hand away and
thumped it on the table. Mugs jumped, coffee slurped over the rim, and people at
the surrounding tables fell silent.
Startled glances zeroed in on them. Some serious,
others disconcerted by the interruption. But none of them looked away when Emma
tried to stare them down, so she turned her shoulder, grabbed Sue’s hand again,
and fought to unscramble her brain.
She’d thought her friend’s marriage was rock
solid. Divorce? No. Sue must have mistaken Tyler’s words. But
one look at her friend’s face shattered that illusion.
Love the emotion you're giving us.
:-) Thanks Lindsay.
Great display of emotions. Well done!
Such intense emotion. What a shock to the system!!
Great stuff, like the emotions. And nice use of the prompt ;-)
Thanks Vicki
:-) Thanks Sarah.
:-) Thanks Iris.
wonderful use of the prompt. Very visual. Nice snippet.
:-) Thanks Jillian
wow- I could feel how unsettling it was
Thanks for your kind words, Kathleen, I'm so pleased this works for you :-)
Meat cleaver... ooh graphic! Now, I want to know what a decree nisi is. Wonderful job.
Wonderful, as usual.
Great emotion. Very natural dialogue.
Loved your use of the prompt!
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