I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date.... Sorry folks, but better late than never, so here is my offering for today.
J is for Jackass
And what is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear that?So - what is a 'jackass?'
When refering to animals, it is donkey, an ass, and a burro, as all are the same name for the same beast. Jackass, is merely the name for a male ass, while jennett, not jillass, is the name for a female ass.
Of course when not refering to the animal variety you may fist think of!
And before I offend every male visitor, please be assured I am not being 'general' today when I mention of Jackasses!
J is also for JOY
For the last wo years I have been working on an experimental Regency story. Why 'experimental?' Well, I truly did not know whether I had what it took to get the atmosphere of the time right, or whether the characters would come across convincingly.
Today I learned it has been accepted by Secret Cravings Publishing. So--- I am happy dancing all over the house.
There are nearly 1900 participants this year and you'll find a list HERE
A fun read about Jackass. Congratulations on your good news. Keep dancing!
Haha, I certainly think of a two-legged creature when I think of jackasses, but okay, we'll go with donkeys.
Great post and happy A-Z blogging!
:-) Thanks Sally.
Thanks S. L. Hennessy, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks of the two-legged variety first! LOL
It takes quite a lot of energy beinga jackass. That's why I've been cutting back.
new follower,
Moody Writing
:-) Thanks for visiting mooderino, I have to say for some people being a jackass seems to come naturally!!!!
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