Flowers of Flanders

the book
A malicious lie between rival sisters changed lives.
Which sister does Michael need to survive?
Set just before and during WW1 this book is a
commemoration of both the living and the dead and those who fought so bravery.
While it’s not their story my grandparents were the inspiration for the book
and it’s my Granny’s picture of the front cover.
I’ve been told the research ‘is impeccable’ which is
so important for the setting to enhance the story but it’s ultimately a feelgood read
about both men and women surviving intolerable times with dignity
Shortly to be published is a novella to complete the
two older sisters’ story and a sequel will be coming soon set in Vichy France
in 1940. A third book, set during the Cold War will follow.
summer 1912 – A town near Manchester, England
heart was singing with the joy of the sun and the birds and the glossy, bright
leaves above her head. She and her two younger sisters strolled home along the
lane when the peace was shattered by a lot of clattering and shouting.
“What on earth is that noise?” She
stopped to listen.
Izzy, only twelve years old, grabbed Rose’s
arm and whispered, “I don’t like it, Rose. What should we do? It may not be
safe to venture further.”
“Oh don’t be such a wet, Iris,” Delphi
said, using her given name as she often did. She tossed her head.
Rose, who always maintained the peace,
answered her youngest sister, “Don’t worry Izzy, it’s probably the boys playing
rowdy games.”
“I don’t think…” Delphi’s words were
There was an ear-splitting bellow and then,
“Bloody hell, Crispin.” It was a deep male sound.
Rose, certain she recognised the voice,
felt her stomach churn and her heart beat faster. She had known Michael nearly
all her life and loved him for almost as long.
The older girls looked at each other
with widening eyes and ran. Izzy followed. Their steps were short and quick;
long, narrow skirts hindered their progress. They didn’t have far to go round
the corner of the lane when through the trees their fourteen-year old brother,
Hector, came bounding.
Seeing his sisters he called out, “That
stupid fellow Crispin has walloped Michael good and proper. We were play-acting
but he’s done it now.”
“What do you mean?” wailed Izzy.
Delphi ran ahead. She held onto her hat
with one hand.
“These wretched skirts,” Rose heard her
say to no-one in particular as she hitched them up. “It’s alright for you
Hector,” she called as he disappeared through the trees ahead of her. Rose knew
that as the most active sister, it was frustrating for Delphi to endure her
skirts. Many times she had said it was so much easier for men.
There were shouts at the hapless Crispin
as she arrived.
Rose came with Izzy through the trees
that bordered the lane. Her gaze, generally gentle and myopic, took in the
situation and she looked on in horror. The sun through the branches slapped the
group with searing tiger stripes. Michael stood with head bowed. The deep gash
on his forehead was a slash of vermillion vividness which dripped unheeded; a
violent splash on his shirt, so white. A long log of wood lay at his feet and
three other lads stood and looked aghast but clueless.
Delphi’s voice rose as she berated them
all for their stupidity but Crispin, as the main culprit, received her full
“You’re fighting with sticks! What on
earth for?” Delphi demanded. “Hector you should know better,” she continued,
looking at her brother who had got back to the scene of the crime ahead of her.
With the full force of her words again upon Crispin she added, “That’s a dirty
great log. It’s not even a stick, you dolt.”
Rose saw Crispin regard Delphi. She
recognised the look he gave, admiring her beautiful face with its prominent
high cheekbones. Rose felt a pang of envy. Everyone looked at Delphi that way
including Michael. At that moment, though, Delphi was frowning yet it still
didn’t detract from her exotic looks. Her lovely dark eyes, so often dancing
with fire lights glared at the culprit.
About the author:~
Having worked as a Headteacher, Ros has been used to writing policy documents, essays and stories to which young children enjoyed listening. Now she has taken up the much greater challenge of writing fiction for adults. She writes both historical sagas and contemporary romance; perfect for lying by a warm summer pool or curling up with on a cosy sofa. Her books are thoroughly and accurately researched. This is her third book.
Ros is a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and the Historical Novelists' Society.
Ros is a member of the Romantic Novelists' Association and the Historical Novelists' Society.
Praise for Flowers of Flanders
An industry professional: I like the idea of setting these successive stories against the
backdrops of the great conflicts of their ages, and in the strong family you
have created an interesting web of family relations with some vibrant and
interesting characters. You have also done a huge amount of research to anchor
it in the era. There were several tear-jerking moments, and it is fascinating
also to have a more female, familial perspective on the events of the Great
War, as you do in Flowers of Flanders.
An Amazon customer: A thoroughly good read which held me gripped right up to the end. The
characters are well drawn and the descriptions of the trenches.
Samben: An engaging and heart-warming story set before and during the
First World War. Ros Rendle has captured the era beautifully and has vividly
portrayed the lives of people who endured such turbulent times.