~HOT SEX FACTOR CHART~ these books both have sex in them... the 3 alarm kind.
Sandy Wolters- Soul Mates- (Steamy Time Travel Romance)
#1- Fall in love with Romance that will take your breath away
#2- These not so timid characters keep their bedroom door open with readers in the house

#3- Three alarm fire- sizzling sex scenes
Soul Mates Purchase Links: Amazon Geo Code: B&N: iTunes: Kobo: Sony: All Romance e-books: Smashwords: Soul Mates Excerpt - 2,181 words:Chapter One
Ireland 1303
Watching the preparations for the upcoming festivities at the castle unfold in front of her, the young girl closed her eyes and breathed deeply to take in the smells of the assorted meats as they roasted on the communal spit. Her mouth was watering from the savory scents.
Today was indeed a special day. It was not only her birthday, but also a day of festival where all the people belonging to the Clan O’Brien converged on the castle dressed in their finest clothes, partook in games, listened to bards, danced, and indulged in succulent meats and spirits. Today was the first day of February, traditionally the first day of spring in Ireland and the day for honoring St. Brigid of Kildare. Long tables and benches had been set out in the courtyard for all the clansmen and visitors to partake in the celebration.
Maybe, just maybe, if she were lucky, she would get a glimpse of the chief's son, Donovan. She smiled to herself, not understanding the feelings her six-year-old heart felt when her gaze fell on the beautiful Donovan with his dark hair and intense, ten-year-old boyish good looks.
She held the wild rose she had picked on her walk to the castle close to her heart. She didn't know why, but she believed this rose was significant somehow. Her mother had always taught her to listen to her inner feelings so Shannon clung to the rose, knowing it would be of great import today.
As she weaved her way through the people, her spirits soared. Everyone was smiling, laughing, friendly. Moving closer to the inner circle of the courtyard, she noticed many unfamiliar faces among the men. While not unusual at festival time, her curiosity was aroused. As she moved even closer, a cold chill ran down her spine. Questions filled her mind as she became aware that these men displayed none of the lightheartedness of the others—in fact, just the opposite.
Her hand unwittingly flew to the amulet hanging around her neck in a leather pouch to feel its warmth and security. Who are these men? Why do they all look so unapproachable, so angry? Her feeling of unease was so intense that she wanted to run from the celebration and sound a warning of danger. Every instinct within her was forewarning Shannon about the pure evil of which these men were capable.
With such strong feelings of distress running through her body, she didn't realize that she was slowly backing away from where the men had gathered in a single area of the courtyard. As she put distance between herself and these strangers, the tension in her body eased. Though her senses were relaxing, she still clutched her amulet. Turning, she saw a stranger dressed as the frightening men were dressed; yet, there was something different about this man. He was not angry like the others. She felt no evil cascading off of him as she had with the others.
This man was sad, the feeling so strong within him that the air around him seemed to shimmer with it. She stood there, unable to move, watching as people, walking by this man, unconsciously gave him a wide berth. Although the people seemed oblivious to the shimmering aura around him, it was evident they must have felt it for they walked around this force field of sorrow as if to avoid being trapped in it.
Aengus Doyle, heir to the Clan Doyle, sat and stared into his cup of ale. He was burdened by the viciousness that always overtook him when he sought revenge against those who had murdered the people of his father’s clan—murdered for a few meaningless trinkets and even less livestock. With each day that passed, he knew he was becoming more and more like his bloodthirsty father, who ruled with an iron fist and a heart of stone. He could not help but wonder what had happened to that young lad who had loved life and dreamed of leading his father’s people with a generous, kind heart, rather than with one as black as his had become. Torturing those thieves had excited him as he discovered new ways to inflict pain upon them. It was as if his father had stepped inside him, possessing his body like the devil himself. Now it sickened him to the core.
Lost in thought and blocking all the sounds of celebration from himself, he felt a slight shift in the air pressure around him. A tiny voice made its way through the psychological walls he had set up around himself.
"Excuse me, sir."
He ignored the sweet voice as he forcibly kept his attention on his feelings of disgust about the atrocities he had inflicted on other human beings. He hoped this exercise and his remorse would keep these dark, powerful emotions chained within himself, never to appear to him again. If he could keep them there, perhaps he had a chance to go on with his life.
"Excuse me, sir," the voice repeated.
Without looking up, Aengus snarled, "Go away! I do not desire to have a conversation."
The next moment, a beautiful rose moved into his field of vision. Something in his gut clenched. He looked up to see a little girl dressed in a well-worn smock, holding the rose out to him. His body relaxed as he looked at this beautiful child in front of him. She had golden hair that shimmered in the sun, light-colored freckles dotted her nose, and a beautiful smile crossed her lovely, bow-shaped mouth. Looking into her large, stunning eyes, he forgot to breathe. Her eyes were such a dark blue, they reminded him of priceless gems he had once been shown by his father in his clan's coffers. Her soul shone brightly through these eyes of sparkling sapphire, and he knew he would never forget them. He felt this child looking into his soul and experienced peace for the first time since his journey had begun.
"I picked this rose for you, sir, on my way to the castle." She brandished the wild rose, and her smile grew even larger.
Aengus lifted his hand and gently took the rose from the child. As he did this, she climbed into his lap and put her tiny hand on his face to help steal the sadness from him.
"My name is Shannon. Today is not a good day to feel so sad. Today is a happy day. It is festival and my sixth birthday. No one should feel the pain you do today."
The emotion this child was evoking in him stunned Aengus. At her touch, tension that had ensconced itself in his body flowed out of him. He felt warmth and love emanating from this small angel, undoubtedly sent to him from heaven above. No more words were spoken. Shannon simply looked into his eyes and smiled. Time stood still. He knew this tiny girl was somehow giving him strength, healing his soul. He didn't understand it, but he wouldn't refuse the gift she was passing to him.
Proudly, she told him, "My mother says I have a gift. She says that I'm going to be a very important person when I grow up. I'm going to change the way people think and how they treat others." Her hand moved from his face to clutch her amulet. "You are in danger. I can feel it. You're afraid of losing yourself to the dark side of your ancestry."
She paused as she took the pouch off of her body and held it out to him. "This is my talisman. It's very powerful." She reached for his hand and placed it over the amulet in her own. "Do you feel it? Do you feel the power of it?"
His breath caught in his throat. He could feel the power, power such as that contained in the strong storms at sea. He felt the power surge through his body as if he had been hit by lightening.
"Do you feel it?"
He couldn't speak. All he could do was acknowledge her with a nod.
"The amulet keeps me safe. My mother said to never take it off, but I believe your soul is in grave danger, and you need it more than I."
Aengus stared at her, unwilling to let go of the emotions this child aroused in him. She was offering something so personal, so powerful, to a complete stranger who she felt needed help.
Afraid of his voice cracking, he spoke very softly. "Thank you, little one, but I cannot accept such a gift as this. I have nothing of value to give in return."
Shannon smiled. "The evil from your soul is gift enough. You, too, are destined to change the people around you. You need this to stay safe so you can continue on the path you were meant to be on."
She put the pouch around his neck and pressed it against his heart. His body shook with emotions he had not felt in years. He felt as though he now had the strength to beat the devil himself. He didn't know how or why, but he knew her words were true. He would change the lives of the people in his clan for the better when he became chieftain of the Clan Doyle.
She gently slid off his lap and gave him one last, delightful smile. Without her sitting on his lap, the sharp pain of abandonment, complete isolation, washed over him again.
"I must leave now to go home and help mother bring our food to the festival." Conspiratorially, she cupped her hands to her mouth as if relaying a big secret. "I'm going to walk home through the trees." She giggled. "My mother says not to walk there because there are goblins and fairies that will carry me off, but I've never seen one."
Immediately alert, he leaned forward and reached for her hands. "Let me take you home. It's the least I can do for you."
Cocking her head, she said. "I love to walk, and I don't live far. You stay and enjoy the festival. I'm glad you feel better. The sadness has stopped shimmering in the air around you."
He didn't want to let her go. He pleaded, "Please, do as your mother asks. Take the road. It's much safer than the trees." He paused, thinking of the ambush he and his men had accomplished just hours ago in trees like these. "There are bigger and much uglier things than fairies or goblins that can hide in the woods."
Her answering smile sent waves of warmth to his very core as she nodded. "Then I will take the road." She turned and walked away from him through the entrance of the castle.
His eyes never wavered from her retreating form. He continued to watch even after she was no longer visible. Reaching up. he gently fingered the amulet. His urge to look at what was inside the leather pouch was strong, but he felt this was something that must be done when no one was watching.
As he sat there, contemplating this tiny, angelic child who was placed in his path, a sense of foreboding settled over him. It was so strong that he found himself upright and moving quickly to his horse outside the castle walls before his actions even registered in his brain. Panic set in. Shannon, his beautiful, six-year-old guardian angel, was in trouble, and he knew it. He had to get to her. He kicked his horse and moved quickly down the road leading away from the castle.
As he approached a sharp bend in the road that hid the path ahead, his heart sank. He knew he would find her around this bend. A woman’s wail sliced through the air and excised all the strength in his body. His horse kept moving forward until they rounded the corner, and he saw her, his little angel, Shannon. She was lying broken on the road ahead of him.
Dropping from his horse, he ran the rest of the distance to her. The hysterical woman, Shannon's mother, was being held back from Shannon's body by other children who were older than his angel, obviously her brothers and sisters.
Aengus knelt beside the beautiful child in the tattered dress and tears fell unashamedly down his face. He looked into her huge, lifeless, dark-blue eyes that were wide open and staring at the sky. She was gone.
He placed the beautiful wild rose in her hand and picked up her broken body, trying to wash away the feeling of isolation that her loss was reigniting in him. He rocked her body back and forth, crying for a child who had changed his life in a matter of minutes.
"I promise you, Shannon, I will heed your words and change my life. My soul is safe from the darkness because of you. I will never forget you, and you will be in my heart forever."
3 Review Excerpts for Soul Mates:"Simply Captivating" - Nancy Silk - Goodreads
"The journey from 1323 to present day Phoenix, Arizona is written to perfection." - Ashley Fontainne - Goodreads
"Sandy Wolters is a master wordsmith that weaves beautifully crafted tales of romance that make you a firm believer in happily ever after." - Samantha Martin - Goodreads
Author Bio:About Sandy
I’ve been an avid reader for years. To my husband’s dismay, I have bookshelves full of books, rooms full of books, boxes full of books. My cars have books in them. I just can’t seem to get rid of them after I read them. You just never know when you will want to read it again, right? When my husband bought me a Kindle, it cut down on our need for storage, but it opened me up to books that I might never have experienced otherwise.
The biggest transition in my relationship with books occurred, however, when I, much to my surprise, became an author. I had started having dreams about people I didn’t know. I started looking forward to my dreams every night. Then I realized that I was daydreaming about these people as well. I'd just be sitting there, and these people and their antics would pop into my mind. Finally, I gave in and began writing their story down, something I had never dreamed of doing.
After I wrote my first book Maggie Mae, I had do idea what to do with it. After trying the traditional route for a little while, my husband pushed me in the direction of ebooks, and I’ve never looked back.
My books invariably feature strong women. My husband, Michael, and I have raised two strong daughters, Pilar and Shandelle, and they inspire the characters in my stories. As a matter of fact, Pilar was the main character in my book A Brother’s Love, and Shandelle is the main character in my new release Soul Mates. Justice for Emily was the most difficult book I’ve written, and that was because Emily was the victim of a sadistic, cruel, and abusive husband, who just happened to be the Chief of Police. One of my readers described this books as a “good mystery laced with sex, violence, ghosts and spirits.” The only thing her summary left out was the strength of the two women in this story: Emily and Rachael.
I’ve had fun with all the books I’ve written. I think the fact that I insert real events into my books, things that have actually happened in my family’s lives, is like having a private joke. Knowing that Michael Rogers in Maggie Mae is based on my husband tickles my fancy. I am a very lucky woman!
Although I write romance novels, they always contain a paranormal twist. My latest, Soul Mates, has the added element of time travel accomplished through the magical arts. I imagine my future writings will always contain romance with strong women and men of character, influenced by events that reach beyond what we consider normal, and perhaps seasoned with a little touch of whimsy.
Carolyn Arnold Interviews Sandy Wolters
1) Tell us about your book Soul Mates in a 1-3 sentences that are not found in your book overview.Soul Mates is a steamy time travel romance with wicked magic that spans centuries, two devastatingly handsome men and one woman with a heart of gold.
2) The book’s description:Pulled Back Through Time, Shandelle Is Caught Between An Enduring Love And A Wizard’s Magic
In the beginning of time, one soul splits into two. Lifetime after lifetime, the two souls are reborn and seek to reunite. Like a beacon of light from heaven above, their light shines for each other. Without the other, there is only darkness. A wonderful blessing that can only come from a deeply-bonded love, the sharing of one soul can also be a black curse if something disrupts the moment of their coming together.
Ireland 1323
Donovan, chieftain of the Clan O'Brien, has unsuccessfully searched his entire adult life, to the detriment of his clan and all those around him, for that elusive possession that will bring his soul peace. He doesn't know what it is, but he will give up everything to find it. One day, he is summoned by the Wizard and told the secret of his obsession—his soul mate. She is no longer living in his time, but there is a way to bring her back to him.
Phoenix 2013
Shandelle and Ian are embarking on their new life together. She is everything Ian ever wanted but never realized he needed before he met her. Shandelle is a generous soul who lives to make Ian and everyone around her happy. Unfortunately for them both, evil is stalking them. The blood bond duty of a close friend brings betrayal and evil into their lives. How were they to know that the death of a six-year-old girl in the early fourteenth century could have such grave consequences on their lives today?
**Soul Mates was nominated in the Paranormal Romance Guild's 2013 Reviewer's Choice Awards and took first place in its category!
3) From reading the book description, it seems to have a spiritual element to it. Can you tell us more about this? Are you a deeply spiritual person yourself?I am a spiritual person. While saying this, I do not use my books to "preach" to people. They are meant to be a source of enjoyment to the reader.
I believe that the Universe, God, Budda, whatever your belief system is, has created different levels of soul mates and fate for us to learn from.
I believe that we share pasts with people, both negative and positive, and those people appear in our lives time and time again to help us work through our issues.
I have had experience with both positive and negative soul mates. Positive soul mates are not just necessarily your partner, they could be anyone from a sibling to a lover, people you care deeply for. I'm happy to say that I married my positive soul mate 35 years ago.
Negative soul mates can also be anyone from sibling to lover. They can even be someone you meet and get a creepy or bad vibe from. Your relationship with them, if you have one, is usually difficult.
4) What was your inspiration for the story?
My husband, Mike, was my inspiration. We've loved each other for so many years now. We were engaged in high school and married just months after graduation. I couldn't understand why so many people were setting us up to fail. I knew we were meant to be and so did Mike.
I also love romance and get a thrill writing it.
5) Tell us about your character, Shandelle. What are her weaknesses and strengths?
Everyone that has read Soul Mates seems to love the character of Shandelle. She's the type of woman that lets her emotions and feelings lead her. This does get her into some trouble in the book.
6) You’ve received some excellent reviews for this book: “Captivating time travel story”, “Terrific time travel romance”, “Simply captivating”. Of all the reviews and praise you’ve received, what one, or what kind, stick with you and have really lifted your spirit?
Writing Soul Mates really took me out of my comfort zone. I like reading time travel romance because the reader gets both contemporary romance and historical romance combined. It can, however, ruin the story if the time travel is not done properly. I was really pleased to hear that people were not confused and really enjoyed the time jumps back and forth.
7) Do any of the characters in this book resemble you, or anyone you’re close to?
The character of Shandelle is drawn from my oldest daughter with the same name. The character has the same dynamic charisma that draws people to her that my daughter has. She will give you the shirt off of her back if you need it. People love her in real life, and I wanted to make sure the character came across with her beautiful personality.
8) If you could take a strength of one of the characters in this book, what would it be and from who?
I'd have to say I'd love to have Maeve's strength. Through a blood bond, she is forced to betray her best and most beloved friend, Shandelle. If she doesn't go through with the task she has been given, all of her future generations will be cursed. She goes through with the task, but then fights to break it and get Shandelle back.
9) Now, tell us more about you. Do you have any writing rituals? Music, a certain computer, a special notebook?
I really don't have any writing rituals. I can't have music playing because it distracts me. I end up either singing or dancing which, I've found, is not good for productivity. I do prefer to write on my computer in my office. I've tried writing on my laptop and failed miserably.
10) When facing a plot block, what do you find clears it for you? Exercise, meditation, something else?
Meditation works for me. I go to my happy place, slow my mind down and concentrate on the characters. They usually tune in and give me a direction.
11) Do you outline your books, or write by the “seat of your pants”.
I could never write from an outline. It is just to restricting to me. Most of the time, I just sit in front of my computer and the characters take over. I generally have an idea of a storyline, but I'm usually surprised with the direction a book is taking.
I enjoy writing like this because this is how I like to read. While I read book blurbs to purchase a book, I never read a book blurb or reviews prior to reading a book. I want to be surprised at every turn the author takes.
Calinda B
~HOT SEX FACTOR CHART~(Fantasy/Romance?Erotica)
#1- Fall in love with Romance that will take your breath away
#2- These not so timid characters keep their bedroom door open with readers in the house
#3- Three alarm fire- sizzling sex scenes
The Beckoning of Beautiful Things
"An excellently plotted and written book that will blow your mind and warm your girly (and man) parts!" Anabella Johnson--Indie Book Reviewers
As if in
response, he leaned toward her, and covered her lips with his succulent mouth.
His tongue delved inside her mouth, teasing hers open, inviting her tongue to
tangle with his. His wet lips trailed along her jaw to her neck, nibbling and
sucking her flesh. A million birds’ wings fluttered insistently along her slick
core, seeking release.
He sought her eyes and said, “I can’t wait. I just can’t wait any longer. I’m
going to claim you, now, mi corazón.”
A tiny voice in her head protested. Claim
me? Honestly? The rest of her wasn’t listening, not one little bit.
you please share with us a little about yourself?
I’m super smart, curious, introspective. I
love to laugh and find humor in the world around me. I love the natural world.
I’m a risk taker. I’ve taught fire-walking, dance, aerobics. I’ve rock climbed.
I’m a kayaker and a scuba diver. I’m passionate about life and love. I’m in an
awesome committed relationship, have two towering grown kids, two cats and
constantly strive to grow inside. I’ve endured a fair bit of trauma in life but
always strive to heal and not let it define me - it may have shaped me but it’s
not who I am.
you always wanted to be an author?No. My high school advanced placement
English teacher told me I would be a writer. I thought that was a stupid idea.
I wanted to explore, grow, heal, change, move. I wanted to love a lot. I wanted
to do everything a little different from the norm. I wanted to act out and make
some really dumb mistakes, as well as a few brilliant moves. In the end,
though, my teacher was apparently right - all that exploration gave me
something to write about!Can
you share with us your typical writing day. Is there anything you have to
have while writing?I get up early, when the house is quiet
(all save the cats who want to be fed. They’ve been on purr patrol on the bed,
watching me to see if I’ve awakened.) Cats fed. Check. Jasmine green tea by my
side. Check. Shades open to reveal the beautiful world outside. Check. I’ll
write for a few hours until I have to work at my day job which just so happens
to be in the same room (we own our own business). And then, at days end, I’ll
write some more.What
would you say is the most challenging or rewarding part of writing?The process of crafting a story is truly
rewarding. I love shaping the characters, fleshing out the worlds they live in
and the circumstances they encounter. When I’m really immersed in a story, I think about the characters all day
long. If I get stuck, I stop writing but the process continues. I’ll muse about
the stuck part. Shove it out of my head. Let it bubble back into me. And then -
voila! Insight occurs and I’m back on the trail. There’s something extremely
delicious about the whole process. Very fulfilling.Who
are some of your favorite authors?Books by JR Ward, Karen Marie Moning, and Tahereh
Mafi come to mind. I am completely captivated with a new author - Damon Suede.
And I enjoy Sasha Campbell’s writing. Those are just a few off the top of my
How do you prefer (and why) your female
characters to be: damsel in distress or badass chick? Can they be both?Women are amazing characters. We are
complex. As some joke, we have lots of “dials and buttons and knobs” whereas
men only have an “on/off” switch. We are mysterious. We are capable of amazing
strength. Amazing acts of kindness and love. Incredible accomplishment. But we
generally don’t start out that way. I know I sure didn’t. Like many, I’ve had
more than my fair share of curve balls pitched my way.
Keeping this in mind, I generally start out
a series writing the female lead from the POV of her flaws. Her life has shaped
her in some sad or disturbing ways. You might be uncomfortable when you read
about her. You might say, “Snap out of it, girl!” Or you might cheer her on,
certain that she can overcome the odds. Is she a damsel in distress, needing
rescuing? Hell, no. She’s only not found her way yet. That’s where the fun
begins. That’s where the possibilities start rolling in my head. How will she
get from broken to restored, whole and alive? How will this woman become her
badass self?
In The Beckoning of Beautiful Things,
the first in the Beckoning series, we find Marissa Engles immersed in her art,
yearning for a more fulfilling life. Boy, does she get that! She’s got a
complete jackass of a boyfriend, a surfer dude named Jason. She meets Daniel
Navid, sparks fly (literally!) and through learning that she’s not really who
she thought she was, she’s transformed beyond her wildest dreams.
In The Beckoning of Broken Things,
Marissa starts out smack dab in a mental hospital. She’s pissed. She doesn’t
know how she got there, why she got there, who put her there. She’s told she’s
delusional because she “thinks” she can stream electricity through her veins
and shape the world around her, using her artistic skills. She’s put on a drug
cocktail of Haloperidol, a drug commonly given to schizophrenics, and Carbamazepine
to stabilize her mood. Carbamazepine is typically given to manic-depressives.
This forced drug induction makes her even angrier. She’s had things done to her
against her will; things done to her without her consent. She’s pissed. She
wonders if she’s broken. She wonders how she will ever get out of the situation
she’s in.
She’s got a few resources at her disposal.
One is her loyal, loving Doberman Pinscher, Sober Dober, with his new, sparkly
wings. The other is her determination and her will to find solutions. Her
unique abilities certainly play a part. Her sexual potency factors into her
transformation as well. I find that sex and sexual energy can be one of the
most transformative energies on the planet. It can burn like a blaze taking
everything with it like a volcano. It can simmer and shape change in positive
ways. All of my characters, no matter what shape they start out in, find their
way out through sexual attraction, through owning their sexual power, and
through their potent alliances with their partners of choice.
Author bio:
The Fun Part: Calinda B was told early on that she should be a writer. She heard frequent praise for her writing, as well as her sense of humor. Scoffing at such admonitions and praise, she went on to pursue her life of adventure, chock full of the things that make up a well-rounded adventurous life: music (yup, she was a singer in a rock and roll band), dance (even performed hip hop in Russia), rock climbing (ever hung from a rock wall a few stories up? Yikes!), fire walking (taught high-ranking Moscow fire officials how to walk the coals), kayaking, scuba diving (she's in love with sharks), travel, and falling in love again and again.
The Daily Grind: An award-winning web designer and certified SEO specialist, Calinda B has worked in the Internet industry as a web page designer/developer since the early 1990's. She has also taught web site design and computer graphics at community colleges in Northern California. In addition to writing, Calinda B creates fine art and music, and enjoys scuba diving, kayaking, and bike riding. Calinda B makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with the love of her life and her two cats. She is currently working on the fourth book in The Wicked Series, tentatively entitled A Wicked Ending, or the third book in The Beckoning Series or maybe those are done and she's working on.... She loves to write and does it daily.