21 November 2012

Please Welcome Cheryl Yeko today

Please welcome back author and friend, Cheryl Yeko who is talking about her writing experience

Thank you for having me over to visit today, Sherry. My name is Cheryl Yeko and I write romantic suspense. I enjoy novels with fast-paced action and steamy romance, protective alpha men and strong heroines.

My entry into the world of writing was exciting and swift. After my husband gifted me a Kindle for Christmas a couple years ago, I rediscovered my love of all things romance. One day I decided to try to write a romance novel. So, I checked out some books from the library, signed up for some online classes and began my manuscript for, PROTECTING ROSE.

The first thing I discovered is that I’m a pantser. I had all these ideas rolling around in my head and I just sat down one day and began writing. Of course, at the time, I didn’t know that was pantsing. It wasn’t until after I completed the book and joined the RWA association that I learned that fun little fact. Writing By The Seat Of Your Pants. Perfect definition…lol.

It took me a year to write and edit, PROTECTING ROSE. It was the same with, A MAN TO TRUST. I tried to plot it out, and it didn't work for me. It just bogged me down and killed my muse. So, I pantsered it.

My debut novel was released in December 2011, PROTECTING ROSE, which won the 2012 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence in romantic suspense. It was a very thrilling time for me. Having never written so much as a short story, I wasn't sure I would be able to write a novel, and was (and still am) on cloud nine to find out that I was able to complete a story that people enjoyed reading.

I'm currently working on a novel, tentatively titled, TAKEN. There are a lot of novels out there with that name, so I need to think of something else. I hope to have it completed by the end of November. This story actually started out as a novella. I was taking a class through Savvy Authors on how to write a sensual novella. I wrote a 20,000 word story and sent it off to my publisher. She liked it, and thought it would be a great story to expand into a full-length novel. So, I did. I'm sitting at about 59,000 words now, and heading into the final action scene. I have to say, it was a very challenging task to take a completed story and expand it. But I did it!! The next and final step is to create a heart-pounding action scene and happily-ever-after ending. I'm very excited about this and want it to rock!

The story is about a woman who is kidnapped by a homegrown terrorist group in the United States wanting to blackmail her father. And of course, there is an undercover cop on the inside who needs to keep her safe, while bringing down the bad guys. So, if anyone has any ideas on a name…I'm open to suggestions! LOL

Recently, I discovered a cool little tool that helps me sketch out each chapter so I know what each chapter’s goal is. I find this very useful…so, it's kinda plotting? Here is the list of questions that help me stay on track: POV; Location; Weather; Time; Major Action; He Feels; She Feels; His Reaction; Her Reaction; Point of Scene; Story Change

My second novel, A MAN TO TRUST, was just released and I’m hoping folks enjoy this story as well. Whoot Whoot! The story is loosely based on a double murder trial that I sat on as a juror last year. It was a very high profile trial where I live and lasted two weeks. I have to say, It’s just as exciting being published the second time around as it was the first. Here is the blurb: The battered survivor of an abusive marriage, Angela doesn’t mourn her husband’s death in a drug deal gone bad. But she’s not sure she can survive losing her heart to the handsome detective who believes she’s a criminal, too.

Tasked with Angela’s safety after she’s targeted by an unknown enemy, Jake discovers the beautiful widow is not what she seems. He soon realizes that trusting her goes hand-in-hand with desiring her, and passion and duty collide.

Now it’s up to Jake to keep Angela—and their chance at happiness—alive.

I have two more novels in the works. The final in the PROTECTING ROSE series. This one, Rick is the hero and gets the girl. I’m also working on a paranormal series. I’m really excited about the world I’m building and hope to have the introduction novella out early next year. Stay tuned!

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