29 January 2011

Zee's Monthly Book Spot - 1

My selection for your February reading starts with...

Title: Scandal never looked so good 
Blurb: One dark secret can completely ruin a bright future...
After capturing the heart of the most eligible bachelor in England, Elizabeth Bennet believes her happiness is complete-until the day she unearths a stash of anonymous, passionate love letters that may be Darcy's, and she realizes just how little she knows about the guarded, mysterious man she married...
My thoughts: Gossip, friendship, love, intrigue. This book looks like it has it all and I'm quite excited to read what happens next in the classic, Pride and Prejudice. I cannot wait, and lucky for us, we do not have to wait for long as it comes out on February 1st.

Blurb: The fallout from Richard Gaines financial debacle spreads deeply into the lives of the citizens from Salem. With John and Marlena's help, Charley believes Richie's unspeakable wrongs have been rectified. But soon she discovers the scandal has far wider implications taking her on a life-changing journey. A profusion of fireworks fills the sky during a jubilant celebration of Chinese New Year, masking a deadly blood bath in a massive drug war stretching from Hong Kong to the spectacular jungles of South Africa. As wounded are brought into Tomali Clinic in the heart of the Timbavarti, Dr. Kayla Brady and her renegade husband Steve 'Patch' Johnson realize that drugs are just the tip of the iceberg. With the help of family and friends in the media and the International Security Alliance from Hong Kong to London they work to uncover the deadly secret that threatens not only the clinic struggling due to financial ruin, but their very lives and their love. New relationships are forged, old loves destroyed, and others emerge from the cataclysmic events stronger than ever.  
My thoughts: You can definitely find scandal in Salem, and I cannot wait to read this! While I will have to drool over the cover for a few months, as it comes out May 1st, but I will definitely pre-order this novel!

Blurb: Passion ignites in Nicole Jordan’s delectable, dazzling conclusion to The Courtship Wars. 
Two years after losing her beloved fiancé to war, Tess Blanchard feels ready to chance love again. Thus she’s aghast when a threatening scandal forces her to wed her longtime nemesis, Ian Sutherland, Duke of Rotham. The impossibly arrogant, irresistibly seductive nobleman is the last man Tess could ever imagine loving. Making matters worse, she discovers secrets in Rotham’s wicked past that send her fleeing London for his remote castle in Cornwall. Having long desired Tess, Ian is exasperated that the ton thinks he’s driven his reluctant new bride from their marriage bed and follows hard on her heels. Naturally, their spirited rivalry leads to glorious, pleasure-filled nights—complicated by a mysterious ghost who haunts Ian’s castle and Tess’s vexing insistence that he play matchmaker to her friends. But can blazing desire between two warring hearts turn into wedded bliss and timeless love? 
My thoughts: Ghosts, desire, love, and secrets... This February 22nd release looks very sweet and scandalous. The story seems like it has multiple layers that weaves through the lives of the main characters. I'm really looking forward to Jordan's release.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What is your favorite scandal - literary or otherwise? For me, it is the rise and fall of Anne Boleyn!

Come back on Feb 1st to read more from Zee

28 January 2011

Duty Calls

Duty Calls

released on February 11th

Blurb:- She’d saved his life…

Rafe Hawk refuses to accept the inheritance, of a large English estate, and the title that goes with it, after his birth father’s death because the man chose duty over the woman he loved and their son.

So when he finds himself temporarily living at Kinsale Hall, he’s not prepared to trust anyone associated with the place, including Trudi Delaney and her daughter.

So why, when he looks into their eyes, does he suddenly remember a woman who vanished without a trace after saving his life one stormy night ten years earlier?

Now he could destroy hers.

Instinct warns Trudi Delaney the arrival of the contemptuous American architect at Kinsale Hall will change her life forever. Especially when she discovers he spends so much of his time in areas of Kinsale Hall off-limits to visitors.

Eleven years after escaping from her psychotic husband with a stranger, she’s still plagued by nightmares of events she can’t remember. Events such as, who fathered her beautiful daughter?

Now, more than a decade later, she is confronted by another stranger. Will this one destroy everything she holds dear?
~ ~ ~ ~

“Only Daniel Kinsale and his solicitors knew I’d arranged to meet him. No one knew I changed my schedule and arrived in England a week earlier than expected, and yet Denny Cadmore somehow discovered both my plans and identity.”

Rafe glared at his parent. “Given those facts, tell me why I should stake a claim on a god-forsaken English estate, when everything and everyone who means anything to me is here in Boston?”

The drone of the old-fashioned overhead fan broke the ensuing silence. The oppressive heat stalked through the room sapping the energy from anyone or anything in its path.

“Rafe you’re making me dizzy, sit down and stop prowling round the room.” His mother patted the cushions beside her. “How many times do I have to tell you, you were born from love, not lust? Whether you like it or not, you are the legitimate heir to your father’s estates.”

A shaft of sunlight caught a few silvery streaks in her blonde hair.

“But born out of wedlock,” Rafe snapped, before realising the words queued up for release.

“Yes, out of wedlock,” she sighed. “I’ve never denied it, nor have I stolen your entitlement to your birth name. Your birth father…” she paused for a few seconds, “…Daniel, loved me.”

She continued on a wistful note, “I knew he couldn’t divorce his wife and accepted we had no future together, only the present. I’ve explained why he felt duty bound to uphold his family’s expectations. Nor that you were unintended. Having you gave me reason to survive without Daniel. You are from the man of my heart.”

Rafe’s free hand crashed down on the table sending the letter floating to the floor. “If he loved you so much, how come another of his bastards crawled out of the woodwork? One whose birth certificate proves he’s ten days younger than me? How come that same bastard damn near sent me to my grave?

Explain that if you can!”

You can read the reviews HERE

27 January 2011

The Wrong Target available in February

The Wrong Target ~

a short story a part of the
Cupid's Gone Wild anthology
 released by eTreasures
in February.

Headmistress, Tina Blackberry, and business magnate, Ryan Thomas, can't control events after Ryan's daughter steals his coveted golden arrow and takes it to school, But put Cupid on the job and nothing can go wrong, or can it?

“You’ve got to admit, Tina, it’s a bit spooky.”
“Spooky?” Her wandering attention snared, she looked from the food choice in front of her to the man at her side. “What are you talking about?”
“The arrow! I mean, it’s not as if the head is embedded that deeply in the wood. If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you’d glued it in for a joke, but you’re not that sort of woman.”
The unintended insult slapped at her composure. On top of the day’s combined incidents, it nailed her morale to the floor.
“Not that sort of woman? What kind of woman do you think I am?” Casting a dark glance at her companion she snatched up the first sandwich in front of her and plonked it on her tray. “On second thought, Sam, I’m not interested.” She moved down the line, picked up the biggest plastic beaker and held it under the cola dispenser. Tonight the rights and wrongs of too much caffeine intake failed to concern her as she carried her tray toward the till.
“Got it out yet?” The cashier grinned while she stabbed a finger at the keyboard, waited for the cash drawer to open and handed over the change.
Had the news spread all over the school? Of course it had. She shook her head, too afraid to unleash her mounting temper on the unwary woman and strode over to the only vacant table in the room hoping Sam wouldn’t follow her.
Before she finished her drink, it occurred to her she’d neglected to arrange additional security for her office until someone released the arrow.
Tomorrow she’d look into the possibility of using a chain saw.

26 January 2011

Review of Believe ~ A book to read at any time of the year

This review is also available at The Romance Reviews

Authors: Kirsta Ames;Elizabeth Chalkley;
Marissa Dobson;Janet Eaves;Margaret Ethridge;
Tonya Kappes; Amy LeBlanc;Cat Shaffer

Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press

ISBN: 9781935817277

Book Genre: Contemporary Romance

Eight authors present their delightful Christmas stories in this anthology BELIEVE. You may think it odd to review a Christmas story after the holiday is over, but while these stories revolve around the Christmas theme, each is so packed with the ‘feel-good factor' they are a delight to read at any time of the year.

Several of the authors were new to me. In one fell swoop I am able to add them to my list of authors to follow.

Secondhand Horses by Amy LeBlanc
This story will appeal to animal lovers everywhere. Emily Morgan faces the entrenched preferences of the farming community when she joins her grandfather's veterinary practice until the evening Ben Avery walks into the clinic. Ms LeBlanc manages to pace the building attraction between Emily and Ben in a believable and enjoyable way. And the antics that Emily's granddad gets up to will having you laughing.

Mall Magic by Cat Shaffer
For some people Christmas is not a time of joy, and Cat Shaffer weaves her charming story around this theme beautifully. For Deeni Crowe, the holiday period is a time to be endured. Shopping becomes a military expedition to find the ‘right' gift. But accidents happen. Fate steps in and so does the mysterious Mac. An accidental collision in a bookshop starts a sequence of events that teach Deeni that when she opens herself up to the spirit of Christmas, her life will change beyond recognition.
This story is so different from the previous one and yet the second builds on the first and now you're ready to settle down and read the rest.

Another Quirky Christmas by Tonya Kappes
It's all to easy to get lost in the raz-ama-taz of the commercial side of the holiday, and Hallie's all for that. As manager of Gucci in one of America's busiest shopping districts, she's all for as many customers opening their wallets as can be enticed. But this year… she'd do almost anything to receive one special invitation. But Ms Kappes put all kinds of obstacles in her way and then systematically weaves her hero heroine together in a story that will warm your heart.

Concourse Christmas by Margaret Ethridge
A crowded airport, an instant attraction, throw in a snow blizzard that gives Ms Ethridge's characters time to get to know each other and you have the basis of a story. It's how the author creates the conflict, then allows both characters to resolve them that makes this another great Christmas story.

Love in an Elevator By Krista Ames
Combine office romance and the fantasy of being trapped in a lift with your heart's desire and you have the gist of this story. It's the clever way the author unveils the conflict that initially kept Melanie and Grant apart that makes you smile when you read the last line.

Fixing Christmas by Elizabeth Chalkley
Christmas is a time for magic, but not everyone recognizes it when they are faced with it. It soon becomes apparent that Jennifer, while not exactly happy with the status quo, is too afraid to risk rocking her boat. She is definitely not interested in the string of ‘he's just right for you' men her sister keeps parading in front of her. She'd messed up once, and once was enough for her. So when Billy Phillips re-entered her life, she let fear rule her heart. It is how the author creates the changes in Jennifer that makes this such an enchanting story.

Angel on Board By Janet Eaves
This heart warming paranormal story will enchant you. Jacob has come to a decision, but there are those who don't agree with it. Who has the power to change his mind and will he listen? Ms Eaves takes the desperation many feel over the holiday season and weaves an intricate and deeply emotional story together with hope for the future.

The Twelve Seductive Days of Christmas by Marissa Dobson
Christmas is all about family, and yet so many either don't have one or ignore the one they have. And up to now Jasmine Pierce's life had consisted of a bit of both. Now she faced the consequences of past actions by other people. Ms Dobson robs her heroine of the capacity to trust and then dumps one challenge after another in her lap. Including ‘tall-dark-and-handsome' called Logan. Add in a snowstorm and you have a recipe of growing awareness, and the ever-present dilemma, for Jennifer, of trust.

This collection of stories is beautifully balanced. Each story stands alone and yet together, they create a wonderful collection that begs to be read time and again, and not just at Christmas.

24 January 2011

Today Joselyn Vaugn interviews Daphne.

Today Joselyn asks Daphne a few questions so you can get to know her better.

We’re both runners. Why do you run? What led you to coaching? 
I wasn’t terribly coordinated in high school and running was a sport I could do. One foot in front of the other and it didn’t require any extra equipment. In college, it became away to ward off the freshman fifteen. Now it’s a chance to catch a breath after a long day with high school students.
I started coaching so I could encourage students to pursue a healthier life-style. In our town, there aren’t many outlets for young people and they try risky behaviour. In encouraging them to run, I hoped to counteract that. 

What is the ugliest bridesmaid dress you’ve had to wear?
Umm, you wrote the book. There were some doozies in there. Peggy’s was obviously the worse. One-shoulder, red, white and blue stripes. It was one of a kind. Not as bad as the tuxedos though. I didn’t know you could rent that many Uncle Sam costumes.

Have you ever worn any of the dresses again?
No. Well, okay, once. I recycled a dress and wore it in a local theatre production. The rest have been donated to the high school theatre club. I don’t know if they will ever use the one from Peggy’s wedding though.

If you hadn’t known Noah forever and saw him across a crowded room, what would your first impression be? 
Wow is he hot! Then I’d go home and set my house on fire, so he could rescue me. Although I probably wouldn’t know he was a fire-fighter then, would I? If he was dancing, I would be laughing my head off.

I know your favourite author is Jane Austen? Which of her heroines would you be?  That’s a tough one. Everyone wants to be Elizabeth Bennet. I love her ability to realize when she has been wrong and to be humble about it. She taught me a lot in my relationship with Noah. I’d love to be Emma. She’s a bit spoiled, but you love her despite her faults. I did a quiz on FaceBook and it said I was Fanny Price. Ha. I would never marry my first cousin! 

Please will you provide ‘to buy’ links for your books?

http://thomasbouregy.com/catblogcr/981-courting-sparks  http://thomasbouregy.com/catblogcr/870-ceos-dont-cry

 You can find Josely here -->

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000088818448

22 January 2011

Hi Joselyn, It’s a pleasure to have you at THoR. Please will you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a stay at home mom and former librarian. My husband and I have been married for twelve years and have three children. This year was the first year he’s ever forgotten our anniversary. Since the whole family was being ravaged by the stomach flu, I suppose that was excusable. We lived in the Seattle area for a little while before moving back to West Michigan. He works really close to home and can come home most days and join us for lunch. We are pretty blessed.  

What entices you to pick up a book and start reading? The cover image? The blurb on the back?
The cover is definitely a big draw. A pretty picture or historical dress will entice me to pick up the book. I’m also drawn to the texture of the paper. Smooth, soft paper will be just as enticing as pretty picture. 

What would put you off?
Definitely, any hint of time travel. Its paradoxical qualities drive me nuts. My friends kept recommending The Time Traveller’s Wife and I kept putting off reading it because of the time travel thing. I ended up really liking it as long as I didn’t try to understand the time travel aspect of it. I’m not a big fan of vampires or other paranormal things either. If the book comes highly recommended though, I will try it and I have enjoyed a few paranormal romances. 

What or who inspired you to write in the first place?
I think I’ve always wanted to write and have been blessed enough to have encouragement at the right times. My parents allowed me to take a children’s writing course in high school. I haven’t written any children’s books, but it taught me about the story arch and what conflict was.
When I started writing again more recently, I met W.S. Gager and we later formed our critique group. She kept encouraging me to try and get published. I originally started writing a novel just to see if I could and she said if I was going to go through all the effort, I should try to get it published.

You often talk about your crit group and what you do for each other, can you tell us what is so special about them?
My crit group is awesome. We all write in different genres, so I think we bring different perspectives to our critiques. One is a cozy mystery writers whose main character is a hard-boiled no-nonsense reporter. She loves reading romance and makes sure I’m getting all the things I need in the romance. I tend to leave out the emotional reaction in my early drafts and she makes sure I have it. Another is a thriller, young adult writer and she helps me understand the characters and their motivations. The last is a literary fiction writer. She helps develop the tone of the story and point out when I’m going overboard on something. She also helps with the pacing, and movement of the story. Currently, I’m the whip-cracker of the group. I’m prodding everyone to meet their goals and send out query letters. We all have each others’ best interests at heart and are trying to help each other create the best story we can. 

With three young children where do you find time to write and how do you organise your writing time?
At times, I can be terribly organized. Everything has to be done in a certain way and put in a certain spot. Then my head explodes. I force them all to take rest-times or naps in the afternoons. I used to try to write during this time, but it didn’t work and there was the aforementioned head explosion. I am finding this time is better used for promotional stuff, blogging, catching up on email, etc. At night after they go to bed, (luckily they go to bed quite early, with the side-effect that they also get up quite early) then I work on my book. 

Do your children ever star in your stories? If not, is there any occasion you can imagine when you would write them into one of your books? 
I’m using them as research for my current work in progress. There is a two year old girl, so I am trying to incorporate how they say things or do things into her character. But I think that is as close as I would come. I don’t think I would even use their names for characters. It’d be like having two children with the same name. 

You talk a lot about your Library Ladies and how they ‘manage’ the lives of other people, will you ever write a romance where one of them star as your heroine?
Actually, my current work in progress is about Minnie from CEOs Don’t Cry. It is fun to have the tables turned on her. It’s becoming a very complex story though. She is in her seventies and that is a lot of backstory to work with.

Has anyone, friend, family member, acquaintance ever asked you to include them in your books, and would you? :-) 
The cousin of one of my friends has. If I do, it will only be a cameo appearance. His physical description would be perfect for a very minor character. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t. 

Do you let your DH read your books, does he want to, and how does he feel about ‘his wife the author’?
I can truthfully say my husband is a romance reader. In the twelve years we have been married, he has only read a handful of books. One of them being CEOs. So a quarter of what he reads is romance. He hasn’t read Courting Sparks yet, but he will. Soon. He doesn’t say much, but he does like the stories and is always encouraging when I want to do writing things. 

What is your favourite colour, and why? 
I think it is pink. Different days I gravitate to different colors. I’m wearing a pink shirt today, so that might be it. It’s light and refreshing and girly. 

Why running? What got you into running and do you find it hard to keep up now you have a young family?
I come from a family of runners and have always been a runner, sometimes more sporadically than others. It is hard, especially in the winter. I have to wait until the kids go to bed. Even though that is early, it’s still dark outside. I’m not a big fan of running outside in the dark alone, so that means I have to go on the treadmill which is terribly boring. My husband mounted a platform in front of the treadmill, so I can watch Netflix movies and that helps. I’m currently on the 4th season of Bones. Being able to watch an episode is a little extra incentive to get going. 

I don’t know many authors who like the promotional side of being an author, what do you do to promote your books, and how do you go about it?
For CEOs Don’t Cry, I didn’t do much at all. I found out I was pregnant a couple weeks before it came out and that zapped my energy. I’m doing a lot more for Courting Sparks and hope it pays off. I’m visiting as many blogs as I can and plan to send out a mailing to libraries soon. 

Please will you tell us a little bit about your books, CEO’s Don’t Cry, and Courting Sparks?
CEOs Don’t Cry is about a young woman who thinks her dreams lead in one direction and that path keeps getting blocked off. She figures out a work-around and hits another road block. The story came out of a feeling I had in high school that I was being pushed toward one path and that was the only way I could be successful. Since then I’ve seen others succeed in different ways and wished more options had been explained. Leslie and Mark also have to deal with the shenanigans of his aunt and her friends who think they are matchmakers. 

Courting Sparks is about falling in love with your best friend and whether pursuing a romantic relationship is worth risking the friendship for. 

Please will you share the blurb and an excerpt of your latest book?
Dusting off the ashes of a failed relationship, Daphne Morrow decides she is ready to date again. But when her scorched prom photos are discovered to be the ignition point for a small forest blaze, marking her as the prime suspect for the arson, she finds they’re not the only part of her past sparking interest. After a friend’s wedding provides a romantic interlude with her longtime friend Noah Banks, Daphne tries to explain away her attraction to him: the atmosphere of the wedding, his resemblance to her ex, his heroic efforts as a volunteer firefighter. Still, their desire just won’t sputter out. 
When the arsonist strikes much closer to home, Daphne fears she must risk Noah’s friendship to find the culprit and clear her name. She’ll know their love is real if his interest isn’t put out by her need to uncover the truth. 

Sandalwood and a touch of wood smoke.
The scents drifted from behind her and Daphne knew the man was sexy. She closed her eyes as she stood on the corner of the dance floor and breathed deeply. Maybe passing out candy bars for the Dollar Dance wasn’t such a bad thing. Her Magic Eight Ball could be right. For once.
She tried to adjust the neckline of her fuchsia bridesmaid dress to enhance her cleavage, but the double-sided tape holding the mermaid-style dress in place wouldn’t budge.
Sure, when you want the dress to come off, it sticks firmly in place. She sighed. She spun on her bare feet to greet the dream date behind her and stopped so abruptly her basket of candy bars tipped over, spilling chocolate at his feet.
“Noah?” she gasped.
A light blue madras shirt covered his broad shoulders. His dark hair still damp from his shower. She looked at him like she’d never seen him before.  
And she saw him almost every day. He was the athletic director and she was an English teacher and the cross-country coach. She was in and out of his office with student eligibility reports and questions about the team schedule. Besides all that, they’d been friends since second grade. She’d never had this reaction to him before. What was different?
Noah bent to pick up the candy. His shirt pulled across his muscular shoulders as he reached for the scattered bars. Daphne continued to stare at him. Water droplets clung to the hair on the back of his neck and she itched to brush them away. She extended the basket for him to dump the bars.
"Fire call?” she said, trying to cover her stunned silence and hoping he didn’t notice her blushed skin.
“Yeah. Out at The Willows. Could have been really bad, but we were able to contain it. Do I still smell smoky?” 
Daphne leaned closer and breathed deeply. His sandalwood cologne flooded her nose again. A touch of smoke lingered behind it. She forgot to breathe out. 
This was Noah, she told herself. Not George Clooney. Get a grip.
“Your cologne covers it. How much burned?” she asked, stepping away to put some fresh air between them.
Noah shrugged. “The flames kept smoldering in this heat. Hot spots were flaring up all afternoon. Most of the trees are singed. I’m not sure they’ll come back.” He tugged at the front of his shirt as if he still felt the high temperatures.
“I can’t believe The Willows is gone. No more hidden trysts out there. Where will the teens go to make out now?” 
“They’ll find some place. They always do. There’s that place by the river, but the landowner is pretty adamant about kicking them out once a month.” 
She hugged the candy basket to her chest. Bittersweet memories of The Willows haunted her, now that Aaron was no longer in her life. They’d gone there to do all the things teens do in the shaded alcoves of the draping willow trees. The fire was a relief in a way, another reminder of him gone.
“Was Miranda angry I wasn’t here?” Noah asked. 
She glanced at the bride twirling on the dance floor and pushed away the gloomy thoughts. Good ol’ Noah. He could always divert her depressing thoughts. “I think she’ll forgive you.” Daphne bumped him with her basket of chocolate. “Not to dash your ego, but she didn’t notice. She was so nervous before the ceremony, she peed every fifteen minutes. I’m glad I didn’t pull bathroom duty this time.”
Noah laughed, the tone soft and deep. “I don’t want to know. Anything else happen?”
“If you’re asking if Max fainted, you owe me ten bucks. He turned green during the solo, but his knees never buckled.” 

Please will you provide ‘to buy’ links for your books?





Please will you tell us where we can find you?
Website: http://joselynvaughn.com
Blog: http://joselynvaughn.blogspot.com 
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000088818448

Thank you for joining us today, Joselyn and best wishes with your new book.

Please come back on the 24th when Joselyn interviews her heroine, Daphne.

21 January 2011

Please welcome author Ashley Dawn

First off, a special ‘thank you’ to Sherry for having me on your blog today! I really appreciate it.

Why writing and not something else?
I was asked not too long ago by a friend why I bothered writing when I have a full time job and two young children. I was so surprised by the question that I had to take my time in answering. Honestly, when there are so many more things I need to do with my extra time, why write? The answer is simple….I love it. I absolutely love writing stories and using my imagination as an escape from my every day life.

Do you use your kids and the rest of your family in your books?
Absolutely. I love to slide little stories that have happened in real life into my stories, as it just makes the story even more real to me. I hope my writing touches people the way the stories I write touch me. I was told soon after I started trying to get my first book published ‘always be passionate about what you write -- if you aren’t passionate about it, no one else will be either’. I have found that to be true through the whole process of writing and publishing and also just in life in general. So that is what I want to share with everyone reading the blog today, be passionate about what you love and the rest will just fall into place.

Shadows From The Past:

“…It is the price you pay for choosing to be a cop. Your brother’s life…”
Those words haunt her dreams, and her waking moments. LAPD officer, Aurora Kavvan cannot rest until she finds her brothers killer. Digging into the past always brings back unpleasant things: memories, guilt…the hit man. Now she is in a race against time to find the murderer before he finds her.
“Kill her. I don’t care how, and I don’t care where, but I want her dead now!”
Someone was trying to kill his dead partner’s sister. FBI agent, Jordan Reiley will stop at nothing to protect the woman he loves. Even if it means going against her wishes; putting himself between her and the man who murdered her brother.
Will God keep them alive long enough for them to find the truth?

Available from: - http://www.amazon.com/Shadows-Past-Ashley-Dawn/dp/1602472513/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1295532429&sr=1-1

Visit me at and click the to buy link:- http://ashleysbookshelf.blogspot.com/p/my-books.html

Thanks for coming by Ashley and best wishes with your book.

20 January 2011

Interviewer at Coffee Klatch continued

Interviewer/Reporter sits in the van with the camera man in front of the Coffee Klatch hoping to catch a glimpse of Jolene Sayer. A strikingly handsome man hurries by. Interviewer clutches camera man’s arm. “Isn’t that Braden Knight?”   Camera man shrugs. 

Interviewer hurries out of the van and races toward Braden. “Braden. Braden Knight.”
He whirls around, his expression tense, impatient. “Yes?”

Interviewer: “I’m here to do a piece on Jolene Sayer. Do you have a moment?”
Braden: “Frankly, no.”

Interviewer shoves mike in his face: “Can you tell me where to find her?”
Braden pushes the microphone away: “I wish I knew. She’s disappeared. 

He saw them before they saw him. Zoe was being forced back step by step. The Were’s stayed out of reach of her swinging sword as it whished through the air again and again.
They made no attempt to bring her down, just continued to herd her toward the edge of the forest. “Weird.” His gut tightened. Where’s Jolene?
He glided forward and stood next to Zoe seconds later, his lips drawn back his fangs exposed. He snarled, a low menacing sound deep in his throat. The wolves slunk away, their tails between their legs.
A howl sounded in the night. The hair on Braden’s arms rose at the eerie sound. He hated Weres. He turned to Zoe and saw her toy with her sword as she eyed him.
He whirled toward her and rasped out, emotion making his voice deeper than usual. “I don’t have time for this, Zoe. If you want a go at me when this mess is cleared up we’ll do it.” A grim promise rang in his voice. “But for now, I need to find Jolene. Where is she?”
“I don’t know.” Her usual calm tones were coated with panic. The whites of her eyes shown in the dark. “They’ve got her.” 
“Who has her?” His non-beating heart felt like a jackhammer pulsing.
“The Weres. They separated us. Herded me back and took her away.” Her voice rose, hysteria very near the surface.
He’d never seen Zoe anything less than a cool professional, but he felt nearly the same himself. “Where did they take her?”
“I don’t know.” Zoe rung her hands. Anguish thickened her voice.
“I’ll find her,” he promised his tone grim.

To celebrate the release of Moon Watchers, I’ll be running a contest between Jan 15 and Feb 2. The winner will be announced Feb 5. To enter just leave a comment at www.downtownya.blogspot.com and mention Moon Watchers and Sherry Gloag.

What do you win?
* An autographed copy of Moon Watchers
* A Starbucks gift certificate
* And a fun necklace that has a protective cross to safeguard against creatures of the night, a blood drop stone to remind shape-shifters you are protected and a star since our winner will be the star of the contest.

Some people think being a Were hunter is weird. For me it’s perfectly normal. What I see as odd is my attraction to the hunkalicious Braden Knight. Why? I think he’s a vampire.
~ * ~ 
Moon Watchers can be purchased in paper or e book at: http://www.classactbooks.com/ Visit me at: http://www.downtownya.blogspot.com/

Sandra, reading your blurbs, excerpts and interviews has enticed me to put Moon Watchers at the top of my tbr pile. Thank you for joining us here for the last few days and introducing us to your characters in this spectacular fashion. Best wishes with Moon Watchers.

19 January 2011

Interview in front of the Coffee Klatch in the town of Moon Watchers

photo provided by Sandra Cox
Interviewer, bundled into a hooded parka standing in front of Moon Watchers shivers as she speaks into mike:   “We’re hoping to get an interview with Jolene Sayre, werewolf hunter.” She looks around. “This seems to be the town hangout hopefully we’ll catch up with her here.” A middle-aged man hurries toward the door. Interviewer sticks her mike in his face. “Sir, do you know Jolene Sayre?”
Man looks at her suspiciously. “Are you a reporter?”

Interviewer: “Well sort of. I interview celebrities and other intriguing people. So do you know Jolene Sayer?” Sticks mike back in his face.
Man: “Name doesn’t sound familiar.”

Interviewer: “I don’t think she’s been in town all that long.”
Man: “Did she inherit the old Daly place?” 

Interviewer: “I really don’t know.” 
Man looks at her disapprovingly. “Seems to me you should have done your homework.” 

Interviewer blushes but perseveres: “So you don’t know her?” 
Man: “She’s probably the young woman who inherited Alma’s place. I hear she’s a bit of a loner.” 

Interviewer leans forward and shoves the mike back in man’s face: “Did you know she’s a werewolf hunter?” 
Man’s eyes narrow. “Is she now?”

Interviewer: “Why would she come to Moon Watchers?”
Man: “Why indeed.” This time he leans forward, his expression menacing. “You probably don’t want to be in Moon Watchers after sundown.” 

Interviewer takes a step back: “Why not?” 

Man curls his lip in a snarl and walks away. ~ 

Interviewer looks nervously at cameraman. “Let’s wait in the van.”



I woke with a start to find myself coated in sweat. Drool ran out of the corner of my mouth as I fought the comforter wrapped around me. I pushed up on my elbow and squinted at the alarm. The bright red digits showed four fifty-five a.m. I untangled the heavy coverlet, put my bare feet on the cold wood floor and staggered to the window and looked out.

Forty feet away, a beautiful white wolf stared back at me. Unease crawled up my spine like a poisonous spider. It would have been a beautiful picture, the petite white wolf standing in the glistening snow against the deep blue backdrop, if it hadn’t been for the animal’s gleaming red eyes.

The Were threw back its head and howled. If I’d ever heard a warning, this was it. I watched frozen in place. In the distance, I heard one or two responses. The white wolf looked me in the eye, drew back its lips and snarled out a challenge. 

“Okay, you unholy creature of the damned, bring it on,” I muttered. I ran back to the bed, grabbed the gun loaded with silver bullets that I always kept in my bedside table and hurried back to the window.

I raised the pane in open invitation. The creature raced straight at me, as I knew it would. Its tongue hung out, red eyes glowed, legs stretched wide as it ran. As the Were drew nearer, I raised the gun and took aim. At the last minute it swerved, finally aware of the danger. It yelped as the bullet hit its foreleg. It turned and limped back into the woods. I fired again but it was gone.

I’ll be running a contest from Jan 15 and Feb 2. The winner will be announced Feb 5. To enter just leave a comment at www.downtownya.blogspot.com and mention Moon Watchers and Sherry Gloag. 

What do you win?
*An autographed copy of Moon Watchers
*A Starbucks gift certificate
*And a fun necklace that has a protective cross to protect against creatures of the night, a blood drop stone to remind shape-shifters you are protected and a star since our winner will be the star of the contest.

Moon Watchers can be purchased at www.classactbooks.com

Come back tomorrow for ~ Interviewer at Coffee Klatch continued

18 January 2011

An Interview with Sandra Cox's Zoe Tempest, Cousin of Jolene Sayer

Interview with Zoe Tempest, Cousin of Jolene Sayer

Interviewer faces camera: “With us today is Zoe Tempest, cousin to werewolf hunter Jolene Sayer.” She turns to Zoe and places the microphone in front of her. “Welcome Zoe. And may I say those pink leather boots are just darling.” 
Zoe: “Why thank you. I think they go perfectly with my cream crocheted mini, don’t you.” She turns back and forth to model. 

Interviewer: “Most definitely. I’ve been hearing a lot lately about your cousin Jolene Sayer.” 
Zoe: “I’m not surprised. She’s an amazing woman.”

Interviewer: “She’s a werewolf hunter is she not?”
Zoe: “That’s right.”

Interviewer: “Seems like that would be a tough occupation.”
Zoe: “It’s certainly not for everyone. But Jolene is tough and savvy and a heck of a Were fighter. She can take care of herself.”

Interviewer: “Does she have your fashion sense?” 
Zoe snorts: “Jolene is a beautiful woman but she has absolutely no interest in clothes or fashion. Her idea of dressing up is putting on a new pair of jeans. Although, she does have a passion for boots---as long as they’re serviceable.” 

Interviewer: “Is she and Braden Knight an item?”
Zoe: “Yes.” 

Interviewer: “Is it true he’s a vampire?”
Zoe shrugs. “You’d have to ask him.”

Interviewer: “Aren’t you a vampire hunter?” 
Zoe: “Yes that’s right.”

Interviewer: “So how do you get along with Braden Knight?” 
Zoe: “Let’s just say, we have a healthy respect for each other.”

Interviewer: “So where is your cousin now?”
Zoe: “She’s in a little town called Moon Watchers.” Zoe looks at her pink polka-dotted watch. ”And speaking of which I’ve got to get going. I’m meeting her there.” 

Interviewer: “Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, Zoe, to talk with us today.”
Zoe: “It’s been my pleasure.”

Interviewer turns to camera: “That concludes our interview with Zoe Tempest, cousin of Jolene Sayer, werewolf hunter. Please stay tune for the news.” As soon as the camera clicks off, she tells her cameraman. “Pack up. We’re heading for Moon Watchers.”


To celebrate the release of Moon Watchers, I’ll be running a contest from Jan 15 to Feb 2. The winner will be announced Feb 5. To enter just leave a comment at www.downtownya.blogspot.com and mention Moon Watchers and Sherry Gloag.

What do you win?

* An autographed copy of Moon Watchers
* A Starbucks gift certificate
* And a fun necklace that has a protective cross to protect against creatures of the night, a blood drop stone to remind shape-shifters you are protected and a star since our winner will be the star of the contest.

Please come back tomorrow to find out how our Interviewer fares in Moon Watchers

15 January 2011

Please welcome back Sandra Cox

Welcome back to THoR, Sandra, happy New Year and congratulations on the release of your new book, Moon Watchers.
What a wonderful way to start the new year. 

Please will you tell us a little bit about your new book?

Moon Watchers, the second in the Hunter Series, is released today.
The Hunter Series is built around Zoe Tempest, a vampire hunter and her cousin Jolene Sayer, a werewolf hunter.

Jolene finds herself attracted to the mysterious Braden Knight, who is introduced in the first book, Vampire Island. Not only is Jolene fighting her attraction to Braden, but fighting werewolves in the small town of Moon Watchers. Things take an ominous turn with the prediction of a third full moon in one month. It will take every bit of courage Jolene possesses to survive the night of the crimson moon.

To celebrate the release of Moon Watchers, I’ll be running a contest from Jan 15 to Feb 2. The winner will be announced Feb 5. To enter just leave a comment at www.downtownya.blogspot.com and mention Moon Watchers and Sherry Gloag.

What do you win?
* An autographed copy of Moon Watchers 
* A Starbucks gift certificate 
* And a fun necklace that has a protective cross to protect against creatures of the night, a blood drop stone to remind shape-shifters you are protected and a star since our winner will be the star of the contest.

Some people think being a Were hunter is weird. For me it’s perfectly normal. What I see as odd is my attraction to the hunkalicious Braden Knight. Why? I think he’s a vampire.

As the full moon rose above leafless black trees, an eerie howl shattered the night. I rubbed the goose bumps on my arms and felt the hair on my neck rise. Moonlight fell in shadowy patches across the living room floor of the cottage I’d inherited on my eighteenth birthday, last week to be exact.

Dad’s in Europe, tracking down a tip he got on a Weres pack. That’s how I’ve come to be alone deep in the forests of Minnesota where there is considerable werewolf activity.

I’ve hunted Weres since I was thirteen, but this is the first time I’ve been completely on my own. 

A branched tapped against the window. I jumped then shook my head at my nerves. “Geez.” When my heart settled down, I leaned forward and peered out the window. My hand tightened on the long silver knife at my waist. Nothing moved outside. “Get a grip, Jo.” 

I took a deep breath and started toward the kitchen. The tapping came again, this time louder. I whirled. It wasn’t the window, it was the door. Someone or something was on the other side. 

My legs stiff, my knees locked, I took one slow step after another. My hand wrapped around the knife and tightened till my knuckles turned white. Who could be out at--I glanced at my watch-- ten at night in an isolated corner of the north. I crept through the living room into the tiny foyer. 

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind, the way dad taught me. Nerves left me. The cold logic of the warrior set in. Making sure the chain was in place, I cracked the door, ready to slice anything too close to the opening. 

“Hello, Jolene.” 

My hand fell to my side. I gaped in astonishment. I removed the latch and stood in the doorway, one hand on the frame, stunned. 

“Braden! What are you doing here?” I’d met Braden Knight briefly when I visited my distant cousin Zoe Tempest, vampire hunter extraordinaire. Perhaps you’ve heard of her. If not, I guarantee you will. She’s come to hunting the undead rather late in life--seventeen--but she’s taken to it like a pro, swift, vigilant and tough. 

But I’m stalling. I’d felt an attraction for Braden Knight from the first moment I saw his bronzed pecs and thick chestnut hair. 

“Zoe told me your dad was in Europe and left you alone in the middle of Nowhere Minnesota. May I come in?” 

Damn good question. Zoe had confided her fears to me that the handsome man standing in front of me was of the undead variety. But whether of the pranic--that lives on other people’s energy and aren’t truly undead--or the blood--that survives on warm, red heart fluid--she wasn’t sure.

Zoe’s not even sure he’s a vampire. All she knows is that he has extraordinary powers for a nineteen year old human.

Suddenly, the decision was made for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a huge black wolf rush forward, its lips drawn back in a snarl, its fangs gleaming, its eyes blood red.

Without thought, I jerked Braden inside and slammed the door. And just in time. The wolf lunged throwing its weight against the door as I locked it and drew the chain.
* * *  

Moon Watchers and Vampire Island can be purchased www.classactbooks.com or http://www.classactbooks.com/Vampire-Island-by-Sandra-Cox_p_156.html

Vampire Island is also available on Amazon and other e sites. 
~ ~ ~

Come back the eighteenth for an interview Jolene’s cousin, Zoe Tempest.

A big thanks to the lovely Ms. Sherry Gloag for hosting me.

14 January 2011

Miss Mae as M.M.

Miss Mae as M.M.
Yes, I’m not all seriousness. Sometimes I’m downright --well-- crazy! For proof, check out my “The Mishaps of Gum Drop Island”, both as ebook and print. 

What happens in this attempt at children/humor/fantasy story?
Adventurer Sir O. Yuri Wiseguy-eh to the rescue! After convincing a lost damsel she must leave No place In Particular and come away to his Marshmallow Mansion on Gum Drop Island, (what is that crazy music that plays whenever those three words are spoken?), she enters the world of Yuri's confectionary plantation. His oddball staff, as varied in character as a box of assorted chocolates, adds their own flavor of delicious nuttiness. When Yuri realizes his newest arrival is cousin to Mort the Mothball Millionaire, the quest is on to sail to Moldy Corners. But why do those spooky, sharp beaked vultures watch from the fence railing?

And how about a little excerpt?
You don’t even need to say “pretty please”!

The music trailed off and only then did Yuri pull his hands off his ears. He regained his feet. “Well.” Clearing his throat, he commented, “Seems as if we all heard different melodies. However, I beg you, don’t mention the name of this island. That music plays whenever those three words are spoken.”
“What three words?” Cuddles and Ms. Whales asked the question together, and then glared at each other.
“But no music ever sounded before,” Wrap told Yuri. “Why is it happening now?”
And with that, dear reader, the story turned back to me, and all I can say is, finally! After all, this is supposed to be my tale, not one about this island’s bizarre inhabitants. Right?
Yuri pointed at me. “It all began when I met her.”
“Her?” Moose swallowed the last of his caramel chew. “Why, she doesn’t even have a name.”
Yuri adjusted his monocle and looked at me. “That’s true. What is your name, de—” Catching the glances of both Cuddles and Ms. Whales, Yuri finished, “Girly?”
That’s when it struck me. I’d been left so long at No place in Particular without another person calling me names—uh, I mean, calling me by my own name—that I remembered I’d forgotten it. What was my name? 
“Why, it’s—” I broke off. They all waited expectantly, even Heathcliff. Then he winked. Distracted by the action, I blurted out, “Oh, does it matter? The writer hasn’t bothered to give me a name just yet. I suppose in a later chapter I’ll have one.” 
Yuri pursed his lips in thought. “You could be a victim of writer’s block.”
“Is that bad?” I gasped. It sounded like a dreaded disease.
“Is that good?” Moose countered. “We all have names. Heck, even the possum gets a name. But you, the main character, don’t have a name by now?” He shook his head. “Don’t need to be a blonde to figure that out.”
“Are you insinuating something, Mooch?” asked Cuddles.
“In any case,” spoke Yuri before Moose could reply, “let’s return to our duties. We have a confectionary plantation to run.” He clapped his hands. “Hip, hip. Hop to it, people. Look lively now.”
“I despise hopping,” muttered Wrap as he, none-the-less, obeyed and made like a rabbit. The others followed him single-file down the grassy path, although Moose more or less skipped as he shifted his hops from one foot to the other. I watched them and then noticed someone remained behind: Heathcliff.
For the first time, I addressed him. “Why are you in this story?”


And why is Heathcliff the possum relevant to this tale of a nameless damsel in distress? Could it be because of -- ? Or maybe it has to do with -- ? And quite possibly it just might be -- ? Well, hey, I’m not giving away the answers!

If you’ve not met my cyberspace reporter, I.B. Nosey, there’s also an interview with him included at the back of the print book.

He’s chatted with such national celebrities as Mister Ed the talking horse, Red Riding Hood, Matron Goose, and romance author Diane Craver! 

And can I leave you with a couple of reviews?
From Lynn:
We all know candy comes from the grocery store, but where does it come from in the beginning, Well no other place but Gumdrop Island, where its all grown. Fields of candy canes and lollipop trees and none other but a marshmallow mansion and rivers of pure milk chocolate. As we take an imaginary trip on the Good Ship [Sugar Daddy] and listen to the music as three little words are spoken—Gumdrop Island .As we meet some of the most amazing characters, like Capt. Bootleg and O Yuri Wiseguy ( or as I read it U r a Wiseguy) to Ms. Wales and Taz . and many other fascinating creatures. I could go on with more of but I do not want to give too much away and spoil the story line.

From Sharon Donovan:
The talented [M. M.] has spun a delightful tale guaranteed to tickle the fancy of children and adults alike. If you are a fan of this author like me, reading The Mishaps of Gumdrop Island will offer a glimpse into her fertile imagination. Remember those carefree days of youth before computer games? Before cell phones? Before technology turned everything into a whirlwind of downloading? What did kids do for fun? They used their imaginations to create fantasy worlds that could offer hours of fun and excitement all summer long.

Not only is The Mishaps of Gum Drop Island available in both print and ebook, but I also offer autographed copies if purchased straight from my website. And as an added bonus, you can own a Heathcliff the Possum doll. Who wouldn’t crave one of these little cuties to snuggle up to?

For more information,

Thank you very much Miss Mae for spending the last few days with us here at The Heart of Romance.