10 August 2011

Bats and Vampires

Why do you suppose it is, people connect bats with vampires? And why aren’t vampires called batmires? Of course, having a species of bat that exist on blood no doubt plays a large role in the connection of these bad boys. And the fact that both vampires and bats are mainly seen at night no doubt is another factor. Also that a rabid bat’s bite can cause death has added to the equation connecting these two mysterious creatures.

Bat’s certainly spell trouble for Zoe Tempest:

The bat swooped down. Its wing slid over my throat in an icy caress. I shrank back against the dank black wall. The bat fluttered in front of me. “Zoe.” The voice brought my stomach to my throat. Clammy beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. Dere!

“You thought you’d killed me, didn’t you?” His laugh echoed and reechoed in my head. I clasp it to stop the mad laughter.

“You can’t kill me, Zoe, but I can kill you.”

I screamed then but as in most dreams no sound came out, except a horrible moan that stuck in my throat.

The bat hovered in front of my face. He squealed and revealed fangs that dripped with saliva. I threw up my hands to protect my face. The rodent swooped in and bit my hand. The pain woke me.


I’m running a contest at http://sandracox.blogspot.com. First prize: a Starbucks gift card, a Cooke Lee crystal bracelet and a download of Vampire Bay. Second Prize: a paper copy of Moon Watchers, Third Prize: a paper copy of Vampire Island. To enter just leave a comment at http://sandracox.blogspot.com and mention Vampire Bay Contest.

Vampire Bay is available as a download at Smashwordshttp://www.smashwords.com/books/view/72332

and Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005BCODIM
for $3.99.

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