28 August 2011

Discover Dominique's Top Ten...

Hi, I am Dominique Eastwick and I write Erotic Romance. Though I have some sweeter ones in the works as well as some historicals this is my genre for the moment. Over the last two years I have published three works and have another one slotted to come out with Musa Publishing in October.

So I am no longer a One Hit wonder so to speak, I have my second and third books published and now I feel like I might be able to do this thing called writing, it wasn’t a fluke.

So here is my top ten list of things I learned since publishing my first book….

1. Just because you think your book is amazing and ready for print, it's not there is always more to edit.

2. Other Authors are always willing to help out, especially if you are willing to help them out.

3 Seasoned Published Authors are a font of information tap into it.

4 It's all about POV and staying away from passive voice.

5 Nothing can make your stomach clinch more then the email notice saying your book has been reviewed. To open the email or not that is the question.

6. Writing the Sequel is far easier, all the Characters are already formed and most of the research is done.

7 Writing the Sequel is far harder, the characters are already formed and readers will remember if you changed their eye color.

8. Nothing is more nail biting then having your best friends and family read your sexed up book. (Sorry Dad)

9. Having the Sequel picked up is affirming, yet nerve racking, you are no longer writing just for you, you are writing for the publisher, the reviewers, the readers, so many more what ifs come into play.

10. Nothing makes you feel more like an author then going onto facebook and see the "go to the page of the book you are reading and type the first sentence" game being played and having two people quote your book.

Sure I have learned more for good and for bad but that’s what life is about a fun learning Journey. It’s the people you meet and the books you read or write along this crazy road that makes it so much fun.
I so agree with your list.

Link to Dominique's website www.DominiqueEastwick.com

Link to Dominique's blog http://dominiqueeastwick.blogspot.com/

Friend on Facebook http://facebook.com/dominique.eastwick

Twitter @dominieastwick

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